born again.
i officially have a cold. i'm sporting a 100.1 degree fever, right nostril breathing, sneezing, and pink cheeks. i'm gorgeous.
before i collapsed--a wheezing whiny thing--on my bed for the afternoon, i gardened.
i do not garden. i had volunteered to help with cleaning for the magdalene house, an amazing project that my priest, becca stevens started. (please, please read more about this HERE.)
my volunteer job was to hoe a weed-infested garden all morning. i found out that i have a talent for hoeing (um, right...anyway,) but more than that, i learned that i believe in the Gospel, because i saw Jesus today.
i've always been a do-gooder in theory, but when it comes to actually connecting with the people i'm do-gooding for, i'm not the best girl. what could a girl like me possibly have in common conversationally with a former prostitute, four months clean, living in a rehab environment, picking up the pieces of her life? the answer--i found out today--is: much.
i met two wonderful women today. one has been clean for 4 months, the other, 8 months. they told me stories of fierce independence and, through their experience at magdalene, having to let themselves be cared for by someone else. they struggle with trust, autonomy versus community, who drank all the orange juice. in short, they're girls just like me, trying to make sense of their lives.
certainly, these women have lived a sort of violence and brokenness that i cannot comprehend, but hope is hope, and we're all struggling to keep tight hold of it.
these women are the kingdom of God. and i sat on their front porch today.
(they invited me back for a barbecue.)
ok. going to sleep now.