Friday, July 26, 2002

this mystery

what compels candy companies to introduce "mystery flavors" into the world of fruity goodness already available? it's like throwing off an ecosystem. the good makers of starbursts have confused me with the question mark of the new, white, mango-ish flavor. and now, skittles--SKITTLES--have this same, white weirdness, and i'm near angry about it. what does it say about me that corporate candy-makers feel compelled to lure me in with a new kind of excitement? is america bored with conventional flavors and colors?

where do we go from here?
i call for reform: a return to traditional candy values.


i've nearly abandoned poetry lately. i have not felt the rhythm of it; my life has felt too awkward, and i've been tripping over words, simply happy to get them down at all.

i found some poetry of mine that i wrote a few years ago, when i heard the drums of something like rhythm, and wrote accordingly.
i've dusted the words off for you, and thought i'd bring them to light for a little while:


Every morning, consciousness greets me
with an air of hesitance…
hopelessness links arms with cynicism
as they plot to snuff out Joy.
I tentatively breathe-
as if I had a choice in that matter.
I hold my breath to test a theory…
dizziness tells me I was right all along-
it’s all involuntary. I exhale.
And so I become aware
with each breath
that life is moving…forward…forward;
but in all this mindless motion,
does choice have a space to fill?
(freewill MUST mean more than
breathing or holding my breath.)
perpetually choosing to relinquish independence:
THIS is my Joy’s wick…
I will not resign
to fall in line
with time
and its precepts.
Reaching beyond myself-
running red rover through hopelessness and cynicism…
THIS is freedom in the parameters of life’s
forward motion.
And I will not fear.

Thursday, July 25, 2002

eyes and stars.

today is a different kind of day. if i followed the mayan calendar, today would be the day out of time. but. i don't. so it is simply july 25: first day of no more summer classes.

also, today is july 25: day that vicky comes to visit.
to quote my friend sherry: it's a good day, a very good day.

but, my head is buzzing with the busyness of thought. too much thought. or maybe wrong thought. it doesn't shut up is all i know.

last night in class, i was doodling during discussion (as i always have done), and i realised: i used to draw eyes all the time. now i draw stars.
what does that say about a girl?

oh my head.

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

all about eileen

so you know, i love my sister eileen quite a lot. you too can love her (and her dreamy husband, rodger) by clicking right HERE.

Monday, July 22, 2002


no more of these have-to's. all i want to do is sit with the perfect cup of tea and you, over conversation.


(maybe i've tasted too much.)

Sunday, July 21, 2002


my friend kristina has a beautiful website of her PHOTOS.

go, friends. go!